Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Canberra and my birthday

Well it has been two weeks since I last wrote, I've really let the time get away from me. I was wanting to write this weekend, but it was a pretty busy weekend. Andreas and I have enjoyed several parts of Canberra that we hadn't taken the time to see until now.

A week and a half ago we went for a walk around the lake in the city centre of Canberra. It was already late afternoon and the wind was picking up, but it was still very lovely.

Then last Friday we went to Fleuride which is a annual flower show the city puts on every September. This is spring time and all the tulips, hycinths and daisies were out in full bloom. There were numerous gardens planted in beautiful designs and shapes.

This past Saturday was my birthday. 28 years now! At least I still feel excatly the same! Actually this has probably been one of the healthiest years of my twenties. I have not had a cold/flu since last October, about 11 months. It's a trend that I get at least 2-3 colds a year. Maybe being married and incredibly happy with my partner has boosted my immunity. Well I have read studies that say those in good relationships have stronger immunity.????

My birthday was great. Andreas surprised me with flowers, a lovely card, and mint chocolates. I recieved a pedicure and he also bought a yummy cake for the evening! My sister in law Cessi came in from Sydney for the night and she brought a nice friend Johanna along. We had a dinner that night with 4 other young women from C3 that we've met thru Change the young adults meeting. It was very special to have family and new friends from the country we're in celebrate with me.

Other than that Andreas and I have been working steady. He is working at least 38 hours a week, I work more like 22-24 a week. But it is good, we are very happy to be making an income. I am really enjoying my job at remedial therapy centre, and I also am really enjoying my job with Just Better Care. Mainly I have been doing respite for those caring for a parent with Alzheimers or domestic care for aged females. But I really enjoy meeting these individuals and getting to know them too!
The pictures above are of Fleuride, my birthday party and the lake.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Well life here in Queanbeyan is going swell! The pictures from the previous post are of the house we are staying in, Jack (all wagging his tail b/c we are about to go for a walk), and the view of Queanbeyan with Canberra in the distance.

Andreas and I have been fairly busy with work. The massage work at Remedial Therapy Centre is going well. I've been averaging around 14 massages a week so I'm pretty happy with that.
I really love my work there as most of my appointments are deep tissue and pain problem focused. It has made me work harder, rely on my education and past experiences and really communicate properly with my clients. Back to pro trigger point therapy and strong pettrisage.
I've been having a fairly good go of return clients already too! And have also learned about being proactive to clients about rebooking by a fornight (2 weeks). Or for sure 3 weeks.

Andreas got a job for the whole of September working at a ladder producing company. So good! He got the job through the agency he's employed with. It's also very handy b/c he can walk to work in 15 mins, as I have to drive to work. So sharing the vehicle has been real easy even with us both working.

And I got another job as well with an organization called Just Better Care. We do homeservices for aged individuals still living at home. This includes domestic work and personal care. Which I have done both of, from Bethesda. We also provide respite for families who have special needs children or relatives at home. I'm really looking forward to working with the company. I really love their values and mission statement. I got the tip for this job from Phil the homeowner here. Phil works with this company and gave me the manager's name and told me to call them. I'm available with Just Better Care from Wed - Friday. My first appointments are this friday.

We have also just joined Steve and Trish's connect group. The first meeting was last night. Trish spoiled us with delicious baking! She is such a good baker! I snatched her cookie recipie off her.

I'm still making time to walk Jack often and it has been quite lovely to take walks in the morning. Spring has come to Canberra. The trees are blossoming and and buds are everywhere. It's funny how it's spring here in Oz, and late summer close to autumn starting in Canada.
Looking forward to the warmer weather for sure!
The photo's are of the park we take Jack and of Mitzi